Those scamps over in Radiohead pulled a fast one, this morning, and announced that their eighth record – The King of Limbs – is coming out this Saturday! Unlike last time, however, we have to pay for this one. If you’re one of those people who loves digital music, then you’re in luck: Saturday (2/19) will see two formats released: MP3 (320kbps) versions of the album will run you $9, and WAV versions will run you $14.
The other format, which will be released on May 9th, is being dubbed “the world’s first Newspaper Album.” With it, you’ll get two clear 10″ vinyl records, a CD, and “Many large sheets of artwork, 625 tiny pieces of artwork and a full-colour piece of oxo-degradeable plastic to hold it all together.” Purchasers of this format will also have access to the download version on 2/19. Prices are $48 for the Newspaper Album + MP3, and $53 for the Newspaper Album + WAV.
One lucky buyer of the Digital Download, as well as one buyer of the Newspaper Album, will have a chance to win “a signed 2 track 12″ vinyl.”
Head on over to thekingoflimbs.com and check it out!